I put Emily in the Bumbo seat for the first time the other day. She loves to see life from a sitting up position. She is amazingly strong. When I am feeding her her bottle and she is laying on my lap, she just sits up on her own, quite incredible for just barely four months old. I took Emily and Lily for their check-ups and shots today and they were so good. The doctor said they were both far ahead developmentally which he commended me for. It sure made me feel like I am doing my job to the best of my ability. He was amazed to see Lily doing her sign language as she looked at the ceiling lights. When he left the room, I could hear him as he went down the hallway telling everyone, "It is amazing!! Those girls are so advanced developmentally, I can't believe it!" Emily now weighs 13 pounds and she is 22 inches tall. Lily is 22.12 pounds and 30 inches tall. They are both in the 50th percentile for weight. Emily is in the 10th percentile for height and Lily is in the 35 percentile for height. It was a great doctor visit.
3 Parent Babies
10 years ago
That is great mom! You sure do make a difference. Those girls are so lucky.
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