We got a call from Orangewood last night that Lily was being taken from her home again. She is back with us and we are so happy! She was exhausted and dirty when her social worker drove up to our house with us. We gave her a bath and bottle and put her to bed. She was very upset and cried for quite a bit. Larry rocked her and she finally settled down and went to sleep. Her dad had her up until 10 PM each night I guess. Her main food there was Gerber Graduates Puffs. It will take a few days to get her back into her schedule but we know that she will adjust soon. We are just really thankful that Lily's social worker was really looking out for her.
3 Parent Babies
10 years ago
Well, thank goodness for you and Larry! This is a first for you guys. I'm sure she will re-adjust very soon.
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