We got a call from Mary's mom yesterday while she was at the park with Mary. Mary was talking to us while she was going down the slide. It was so cute. We get to see Mary next Sunday afternoon for the first time since she went back to her birth mother. Excited does not even come close to how we feel about finally getting to see her. Her mom, Shana, says she talks about us all the time. Shana wants to move with Mary to Illinois to be closer to her family, and to have a better support system. They go to court this Thursday to see if the judge will grant her request. We will miss her dearly if she moves. Until then, we will get to see her and give her lots of love. This picture of her was taken recently by her mom while Mary played in the sprinklers with a friend.
3 Parent Babies
10 years ago
I love the new look of your blog. I am so glad you guys finally get to see Mary. I sure hope Shana doesn't pull the plug on your visit.
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